Custom Projects

Custom Tech Writing

  • White Papers: Reports on a specific technology for the purposes of marketing or publicity
  • Case Studies: Success stories of how specific companies successfully overcame a technical problem by implementing a specific technology or hiring a particular company
  • Marketing Collateral: This broad category includes everything from data sheets on specific solutions or verticals to brochures and spec sheets
  • Web Copy: Rewriting or bolstering copy on a company’s Web site to meet a company’s specific goals or highlight specific products or target markets
  • Articles: Often, the columns or articles you see atttibuted to a company’s CEO or CIO are actually ghost-written by a tech writer who understands the technology and the target audience
  • Blogs: As blogs have become a more popular method of outreach, I’ve started contributing many blogs, both bylined and unbylined, for a variety of tech companies
  • Newsletters: Internal or email-blasted newsbytes that highlight a type of technology or vertical target market
  • Supplements: Standalone or supplemental magazine- or newspaper-style publications with multiple articles around a single theme.

Topics I have written about include:

  • Data Security/Incident Response
  • Internet of Things
  • Hyperconverged Infrastructure
  • Document Management/Managed Printing
  • Mobility/BYOD
  • Virtualization
  • Data Analytics/Big Data
  • Digital Government
  • Data Center Consolidation
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Rugged Computing
  • Social Media
  • Compliance and Standards

Samples of my custom work