Custom Projects
Custom Tech Writing
- White Papers: Reports on a specific technology for the purposes of marketing or publicity
- Case Studies: Success stories of how specific companies successfully overcame a technical problem by implementing a specific technology or hiring a particular company
- Marketing Collateral: This broad category includes everything from data sheets on specific solutions or verticals to brochures and spec sheets
- Web Copy: Rewriting or bolstering copy on a company’s Web site to meet a company’s specific goals or highlight specific products or target markets
- Articles: Often, the columns or articles you see atttibuted to a company’s CEO or CIO are actually ghost-written by a tech writer who understands the technology and the target audience
- Blogs: As blogs have become a more popular method of outreach, I’ve started contributing many blogs, both bylined and unbylined, for a variety of tech companies
- Newsletters: Internal or email-blasted newsbytes that highlight a type of technology or vertical target market
- Supplements: Standalone or supplemental magazine- or newspaper-style publications with multiple articles around a single theme.
Topics I have written about include:
- Data Security/Incident Response
- Internet of Things
- Hyperconverged Infrastructure
- Document Management/Managed Printing
- Mobility/BYOD
- Virtualization
- Data Analytics/Big Data
- Digital Government
- Data Center Consolidation
- Cloud Infrastructure
- Rugged Computing
- Social Media
- Compliance and Standards
Samples of my custom work
- AI and Continuous Automation Help Keep the Business of State and Local Governments Running Smoothly
- Network Modernization: The Promise of the Adaptive Network
- How to Build a Foundation for the TIC 3.0 Era
- Simplifying FedRAMP Compliance
- Cloud Computing: Pillar of Modern Defense
- The State of Security in State and Local Government
- CDM Program Will Combat Cyberthreats
- The Time is Now for the Digital Workplace
- IT Modernization through Hyperconverged Infrastructure
- The Staying Power of SEWP
- The Skies Clear for Cloud
- Transform Government for a Digital Future
- The State of Security in State & Local Government
- The Software-Defined Enterprise
- Security in the Commercial Cloud: Better than Ever
- Modern Techniques for Modernizing Government IT
- New Challenges Raise Stakes for Network Visibility
- Take Cybersecurity to the Next Level
- Take the Software-First Approach to App Delivery
- Putting Dashboards to Work for Real-Time Cyberthreat Analysis
- Mining Gold from Machine Data
- Hyperconvergence Simplifies the Data Center
- Driving Digital Services
- Creating an Analytics Culture
- Successful Mobile Strategies
- How to Survive a Software Audit
- Five Steps to Protecting Your IT Infrastructure
- Mobile Security
- Achieving Maximum Productivity and the lowest TCO with Mobility
- A New Approach to Document, Data Security
- Ensuring Secure Workflow
- The Critical Nature of PCI Compliance in Hosted Billing Solutions
- Playing Safely in the Sandbox
- The State of Fraud in Government
- A 21st Century Toy Story
- Infrastructure as a Service
- The 21st Century Campus
- New Discoveries in the Science of Service Management
- Making a Success of CDM
- Microsoft Mobile Empowerment
- Overcoming Security Woes to Expand Mobile Adoption
- Fairfax Media Centralizes Support Model with Great Success
- Free to Research and Innovate: Transforming University Services
- Evolving Demand Requires Federal Networks to Get Smart
- Big Data Advances That Make a Difference
- The Evolution of PaaS
- Coping With Explosive Data Growth
- Insider Threats Pose Unique Cyber Challenge
- Mobile Threats: Real but Largely Preventable
- When the Hybrid Cloud Model Makes Sense
- Flash Storage: A Necessary Disruption
- Moving Away from Windows Server 2003: The Time is Now
- From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Breathing New Life into IT
- Barriers to the Cloud Remain
- Digital Government Strategies: A New Era of Digital Services
- Moving Beyond VPN: Securing Access Inside the Perimeter is Key
- Modernizing the Federal IT Enterprise: Leveraging Data, Working Smarter and Going Mobile
- Cloud-Based Data Management: A Holistic Approach
- ITES-3H Contract Profile
- The Promise of Multi-Cloud
- Data Protection Takes Center Stage
- Cloud-Based Data Management: A Holistic Approach